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May 3, 2016

Spring Clean Your Car

Don’t Let the Harsh Winter Leave a Lasting Impression on Your Car

Winter is officially over, and across the country, people are relieved to see one of the toughest winters on record in their rearview mirror.

But, did all that winter weather, salt, sand and sludge leave a lasting impression on your car?  The winter months are the leading season for auto accidents and vehicle damage, so now is the time to review your winter damage and get your vehicle ready for spring.

The harsh weather can wreak havoc on your car’s exterior and interior. With a few easy maintenance projects, you can really improve the look and performance of your vehicle this spring and enhance the longevity for years to come.

For the car’s exterior, the key is to get all of the exterior finishes cleaned and remove the damaging salt and sand off of the car’s finish. Then, inspect the vehicle for rust spots, dents and dings as well as damage from potholes.  On the interior, the carpets and floor mats need to be cleaned to remove winter debris and interior surfaces need to be restored with a leather/vinyl cleaner.

For a $300 to $500 investment, a local body shop can make the following improvements to help your car recover from winter damage:

  1. Conduct a thorough cleaning of the car’s exterior and interior.
  2. Restore the headlights to remove scratches and yellow hazing that age the car and diminish visibility.
  3. Clean the wheels and tires to remove brake dust and winter grime.
  4. Restore black plastic bumpers, door handles and tires to a brand-new finish.
  5. Repair small scratches in the clear coat and paint to a like-new surface.
  6. Repair minor dings and dents with paintless dent repair.
  7. Replace missing or damaged trim or decorative elements.
  8. Update all of the light bulbs with newer long-lasting bulbs.
  9. Restore the finish of the car with a full detailing.
  10. Consider minor paint work for blemished areas.

With these simple spring improvements you’ll put winter behind you and be ready for warm-weather driving. Not only will your car look like better, you’ll preserve the value of the vehicle for years to come.

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