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February 27, 2018

Review Your Repair to Make Sure It’s Right: CARSTAR Auto Body Repair Experts Offer Tips to Ensure Your Quality Collision Repair

Collision Repair

CHARLOTTE (February 2018) — Your vehicle is all repaired and ready to roll, but how do you know if the repair was done correctly?  There are some simple steps you should take to review what’s been repaired on your car and ensure everything is operating like it should be.

Dean Fisher, Chief Operating Officer for CARSTAR Auto Body Repair Experts and a collision repair expert, recommends the following:

  1. When picking up your vehicle, allow at least 30 minutes to complete the process
  2. You should ask to review the vehicle with the person who wrote the estimate or delivers the repair to the customer
  3. Be prepared to ask questions and don’t be afraid to take the time necessary to review the repairs
  4. Take a copy of the original estimate with you and compare against the final bill
  5. Review the final bill and make sure they explain it to you. The final bill should be detailed (they should walk around the vehicle with you)
  6. Make sure you get a warranty for the repairs and understand where the warranty is good at and what the limitations are
  7. If it is raining ask to inspect the car inside or undercover – clear off the rain to see the paint
  8. Ensure all of the new parts were installed where possible – confirm that parts were specified as outlined in your insurance agreement
  9. Make sure the paint matches in direct sunlight. A high-quality paint will deliver a much better paint match and a seamless repair
  10. Inspect the gaps around the doors, trunk lid and hood — gaps should be uniform
  11. Open the doors/trunk/hood and inspect for polish/rubbing compound
  12. Look for correctly applied seams in the trunk, wheel wells and underbody panels to ensure it has been restored to pre-accident condition
  13. Check the mileage (Most vehicle need to be test driven so there will be some miles driven by the repairer)
  14. If your vehicle needed an alignment, get a copy of the before and after printout (should be in factory specification tolerances)
  15. Confirm that corrosion protection has been applied on any repaired areas to prevent future rust damage
  16. If your vehicle had any structural damage get a copy of the before and after printout (should be in factory specification tolerances)
  17. Check to make sure radio and onboard technology works correctly
  18. Turn on the heater and A/C blower fan (be careful because debris may come out of vents)
  19. Inspect all dash warning lights to make sure none are on
  20. Check the vehicle external lights if replaced

“When your car is being repaired, you need to make sure it is repaired correctly before you leave the repair center,” said Fisher.  “You should double-check all of the repaired areas before you pay the final bill and accept the car.  Your best solution is to go to a reliable collision repair center that has a detailed repair process and provides a warranty for their work.”

CARSTAR Auto Body Repair Experts, North America’s largest network of collision centers with more than 550 stores, delivers a repaired vehicle every :30 seconds.  For more tips on dealing with an accident or having your car repaired after a collision, visit CARSTAR Auto Body Repair Experts offers high-quality, reliable repair service in 32 states and 10 Canadian provinces.  Just call 1-800-CARSTAR when you need a vehicle repair and they will send the tow truck, contact your insurance company, arrange for a rental car and repair your car.

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