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April 20, 2018

CARSTAR Joins National Auto Body Council to Highlight Distracted Driving Awareness Month in April

CARSTAR is teaming up with the National Auto Body Council (NABC) to promote safe driving throughout April, designated nationally as Distracted Driving Awareness Month, and all year long with the It Can Wait campaign.

Eighty percent of Americans believe hands-free cell phone use while driving is safer. This is a dangerous misconception, according to a recently published study by the University of Calgary in the February issue of the journal Human Factors, which found almost equally high accident rates among users of hand-held and hands-free devices.

“We want to remind all drivers that when they are behind the wheel, they have just one job, and that is to focus on driving,” said Arlo Johnson, U.S. Vice President of Sales for CARSTAR and member of the NABC board of directors.  “Our goal is to help drivers reduce distractions on the road and get to their destinations safely.”

April is an especially critical month for teen drivers because of prom season, followed by graduation celebrations, and then the “100 deadliest days of summer” beginning Memorial Day when more teenagers are on the road during the school recess.

The National Auto Body Council, a business advocate partner with AT&T’s It Can Wait program, cites survey results showing 97 percent of teens say texting while driving is dangerous — yet alarmingly 43 percent admit to doing so. Teens are not the only guilty parties – the AT&T study also reveals nearly half of commuters (49 percent) admitted to texting while driving — a higher rate than reported by teens.

CARSTAR and the National Auto Body Council urge drivers of all ages to act this month:

Install and use apps that block texts and phone calls when you are behind the wheel
• Reading just one text message keeps your eyes off the road an average of five dangerous seconds
Take the pledge to end distracted driving at com — then text NABC to 50555 to reinforce your commitment to the pledge with NABC

“As a collision repairer, we know all too well the consequences of texting while driving and other distracted driving behaviors,” said Johnson.  “Let’s all make a pledge to end distracted driving, keep our eyes on the road and help make our community safer.”

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